Site Address

Hey All! I’ve noticed a couple new followers in recent days and just wanted to remind those of you who are new that the actual address is So be sure to go there and update your follow in a reader or wherever to reflect that.




Guess what!

Our Marriage Adventure is MOVING.

click for source

That’s right, we’re moving to a new server. A new format. A whole stinkin’ NEW look.

The address will still be the same but the look will be new.

Your email subscriptions SHOULD work, but just in case by tomorrow you should hop on over to our new site and check it all out!

No really go. Go on – I’ll be waiting with the doormat mostly washed of mud from Alex’s boots, and my heels should all be put away. I promise.

(If you can’t see the changes clear your browsing history / cache and try again!)

Flowers to Brighten the Day

I just love flowers don’t you? The color, the scents, and the overall “oomph” they can add to a room really just make me smile. Plus they make a great addition to any room as a touch of décor.

(Alex smiles less in the spring because of pollen. I do not share this poor affliction.)

So is it any wonder that I wish I had a beautiful front yard full of colorful blooms? Not to me! I wish I had a yard that makes passer-by’s go “Ohh and AHH.” A Martha Stewart meets Home and Garden by way of Country Living style yard if you please.

Only kicker?

I also have a black arm. Not just a thumb. Or even a hand. Nope, the whole dang arm is black. It’s an affliction I tell you.

I honestly think plants look at me coming and go “Look droopy fellows, quick! She won’t pick us if we look weak.”

In fact, my boss recently gifted me with the most gorgeous potted Orchid. Alex’s response when he found out my gift…”I’ll pray for it.” (I hope his prayers are strong…the thing will need ‘em!) I want it to live, I hope that counts!

Potted Orchid

So I tend to stick to fake flowers. I may have to dust the darn things, but hey at least my table looks great!

What about you? Are you any good at growing things and keeping them alive?

Asking for a Prayer

I love animals of all sorts. Alex, well he’d have a farm with a million dogs and horses if I’d let him. (I won’t. I’m a party pooper.) Animals typically are alright with me. Except for my parents’ cats. They are skittish and shy and all around wimps. Which is of great amusement to me seeing as how I’m cat sitting this weekend.

They are human tolerating.

(Having food in hand tends to get them a tad more friendly. Food after its been several hours since their last meal makes them down-right welcoming.)

(For a minute or two.)

The why as to why I am cat sitting is less fun than the actual cat-sitting itself. This week has been one of the harder weeks I’ve gone through in a long time. And if it is hard for me I can’t even imagine how hard it is for my Mom.

You see this week my Mom is sitting in a courthouse. Where the man who murdered my Uncle, her brother, is sitting and requesting a new “penalty trial” so that he can get off death row. (just to clarify, this isn’t a “wahhh I’m not guilty” request this is a “I did it because my Mommy and Daddy stunk so please change my punishment” request.) I’m not going to go in to all the debates about capital punishment and so forth so on. I’m simply going to say, at this point it’s been 14 years since this happened and 13 since the man was sentenced. At this point the killer has out lived his victim. (You can learn more here.)

So I guess in all of this I’m glad I have two persnickety cats who will love on me for a few minutes, as well as a great support structure at home with my husband and our two idiotic cats. I’m grateful that the horrible storms did not harm anyone we know and I pray for all of those who have lost so much at this time. I also ask that in this time, if you could pray for my Mom. She’s alone, family wise, in a room full of a killer’s supporters where he has LAUGHED in the court-room during these proceedings.

Please don’t judge us or our thoughts or our feelings. If you could however, when praying for all of the people who desperately need your prayers in the hard-hit south, offer just a teeny line of peace for my Mom I’d greatly appreciate it. I hope each and every one of you is safe and at peace tonight, and that all of your loved ones are as well.

Now excuse me I’m off to illicit more fake love from two wimpy cats with handfuls of food.

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What Ripping Out A Fence Will Get You

A couple of weekends ago Alex got the great plan to rip down our fence after having a discussion with our one neighbor.

He didn’t inform me of this decision until I pulled into the driveway with my mouth agape.

So on Easter Sunday after he found his Easter Basket we made a quick trip over to my parents’ house to grab their trailer and came home to finish ripping the stinker of a fence out. (Well Alex pushed and pulled the fence until it came down while I made sweet tea. Inside.)

After a while the entire thing was down and I went outside to help load the mess of remains onto the trailer. When something fun happened.

Loading the Old Fence

We moved into our house over a year ago, and in all that time our neighbors on the one side have only hesitantly waved at Alex and I. The man of the house has spoken to my father, but that is it. Easter Sunday as the fence came down so did the walls of unfamiliarity.

First the dog ran our way, then the Mom came strolling over. Then her daughter and son-in-law joined in the conversation from their back porch. Then her other daughter and finally her husband all made their way over to our house. Where we all stood and chatted. We talked gardens and shrubs, we spoke over cooking and plans for that evening. Before right before we (Alex primarily) got back to work and they left, the Mom looked at us and said “Don’t move for a long time. You are very nice.”

Well, thank You for that Easter miracle. If this is what ripping out a ratty ol’ fence gets us I can’t wait to see what the front porch will garner us!

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